Welcome to Sussex Seed Balls

We are big believers in flower power! Our dream is to see every single centimetre of our gardens, grass lands, green spaces and great landscapes teaming with wildflowers so that pollinators always have their favourite snacks whenever they need them.

We'd love you to join us in our mission: all power to the flower!

We are a local, independent company producing small-batch wildflower seed balls and botanical gifts in partnership with some amazing Worthing brands.

This is also the home to our little sister company, Ashes to Blooms. We create wildflower memorials for your loved ones. They grow from very special seed balls, using your loved one's ashes. Visit the Ashes to Blooms website for more details.

Imagine being able to grow a selection of Highdown Garden wildflower favourites in your borders. Read the story behind our very first heritage seed ball collaboration and learn about which wildflowers were chosen.

Take a wander through our wildflower gifts and send with love, from Worthing x

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